<b>No ADS! </b>
<b>Discaltor</b> is the perfect Discount Calculator, featuring a clean user experience with one in many Features like: Discount calculations, Variation Calculations and also Percent Calculations.
The brand new <b>Global currency</b> feature helps you just convert your transactions summaries in over 150+ different currencies.The conversion feature helps to understand the summary in currency of your choice and helps you save money!
Discaltor quickly determines how much you will save and the final price.These features make it one of the most unique discount calculator available. The design makes it simple to calculate discounts, sales , tax , percent and variations without any hassle.
<b>Transaction Summary: </b> Discaltor uniquely offers Transaction Summary for all the Calculations with a Share feature.
<b>Sales & Tax Calculator</b>
- Useful to quickly determine the amount of discounted value,along with tax!
- Get the Final Price after discount on sale price
- Also displays Pre-Tax amount.
- Tax value is also displayed making the discount calculations much more efficient.
- Transaction Summary gives you complete summary including discounted price and tax value
<b>Variation Calculator</b>
- Useful for calculations like Salary hike/raise(Increments) and Selling an old Item(Decrement)
- Calculates variation of a price or value.
- It offers both incremental/decremental calculations
- Transaction Summary gives you complete summary including incremental/decremental price along with final price
<b>Percent Calculator</b>
- Useful for determining the percentage(%) of sales depending on offer price
- The discount percent along with relevant Savings or Loss amount Information will be displayed.
- Makes it easy and simple to get the percent discount calculations.
- Transaction Summary gives you complete summary including difference value, Transaction Type(Savings/Loss)
<b>Global Currency</b>
- This unique feature makes Discaltor your goto global discount calculator.
- This feature helps you just convert your transactions summary in over 150+ different currencies
- It helps to understand the summary in currency of your choice and helps you save money!
Note: Discaltor is a free app with No Adds.You will get a 5 days trial with no limitations. If you choose to go pro (in app purchase), you will enable Variation and Percent Features.
Enjoy the simplest global discount calculator - Discaltor!
</div> <div class="id-app-translated-desc" style="display:none"><b>无广告!
<b> Discaltor 是完美的折扣计算器,具有许多功能,如用一个干净的用户体验:折扣的计算,计算的变化,也百分比计算。
- 有用的迅速确定折现值的数量,以及税收!
- 对销售价格打折后得到最终的价格
- 还显示税前金额。
- 税务值也显示做折扣计算更加高效。
- 交易摘要为您提供了完整的摘要,包括折扣价格和税收的价值
- 有用的计算,像工资调涨/升(增量)和销售的老项目(递减)
- 计算价格或价值的变化。
- 它提供了增量/递减计算
- 交易摘要为您提供了完整的摘要,包括递增/递减的价格以及最终价格
- 可用于确定销售额的百分比(%)根据发行价
- 与相关的储蓄或损失金额信息折扣百分比将显示。
- 使得它容易和简单,以获得折优惠计算。
- 交易摘要为您提供了完整的摘要,包括差值,交易类型(储蓄/亏损)
- 这种独特的功能使您Discaltor转到全球折扣计算器。
- 此功能可帮助您只需将您的交易概要超过150个以上不同的货币
- 它有助于理解摘要您选择的货币,并帮助你省钱!
享受最简单的全球折扣计算器 - Discaltor!
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